
How forests shape our identity

Gepubliceerd op
11 augustus 2022

It is still quite unusual for an environmental anthropologist to be contacted by a journalist...

It is still quite unusual for an environmental anthropologist to be contacted by a journalist with a request for an interview. So the readers of this piece can easily imagine how surprised I was when the email from Germany's international broadcaster “Deutsche Welle” with an invitation to the podcast episode on "forests and cultural identity” landed in my WUR email box. Without hesitation, I agreed and soon we were off to the woods (metaphorically and literally).

If you are ready for small time-travel with Neil King – the environmental editor and host of the “On the Green Fence” podcast series and me – forest anthropologist and freshly joined FNP-er, use the link and listen to the episode where we explore and discuss how forests shape our identity. We focus on the German (Germanic) forests and explore three distinctive periods – Roman times, the Middle ages (and Christianisation) and the 19th century characterised by Prussian rule in Germany. We did not shy away from difficult questions and links to contemporary times. If you want to hear more – check the podcast! - Agatha Konczal, August 2022
