
Databases & search strategies

Searching for information and literature is critical for doing research for your thesis or other assignments. Knowledge of databases and search strategies will help you efficiently find the literature you need on your topic.

During this workshop, you'll become familiar with different types of search tools. You'll learn which ones you can use to find the information you need. We'll also discuss the different search strategies you can apply to your information search.

Organisator Library

ma 26 mei 2025 12:30 tot 01:20

Locatie Forum, gebouwnummer 102
Droevendaalsesteeg 2
6708 PB Wageningen
+31 (0)317 48 21 60
Zaal/kamer TBD
Prijsomschrijving free


The workshop Databases & Search strategies will take place on campus. Please bring your own device. This workshop is primarily intended for Bachelor and Master students writing an essay, a report, or a thesis.

No need to register in advance. Just walk in, but please be punctual.