AGD Survey WUR supervisors Uw gegevens Uw gegevens 1. Which AGD sub theme are you involved in?* 2. Do you have any suggestions for improvement of the recruiting and selection procedure of the 1+3 and 2+2 candidates* 3. How many AGD PhD candidates do you supervise? 2+2 model* 1+3 model* 4a. 1 + 3 candidates: how many PhD candidates of each start year do you supervise? 2019* 2020* 2021* 4b. 1 + 3 candidates: how many go/nogo evaluations have taken place? * 4c. 1 + 3 candidates: how many go/nogo evaluations still have to take place?* 4d. How many go/nogo evaluation were conducted jointly with CAU?* 4e. How many go/nogo evaluation were conducted without input of CAU?* 4f. Room to elaborate on the questions 4a-e 5a. 1 + 3 candidates: is there any delay? * 5b. How much delay? 5c. Possible cause(s) of the delay 5d. 2 + 2 candidates: is there any delay? * 5e. How much delay? 5f. Possible cause(s) of the delay 5g. Room to elaborate on the questions 5a-f For the following questions, please fill in on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = poor, 5 = very satisfactory), or not applicable / prefer not to answer (n.a.) 6a. 1 + 3 candidates: how do you rate the cooperation with the colleagues of the partner institute?* 6b. 1 + 3 candidates: is there sufficient discussion with the colleagues of the partner institute about the content of the research?* 6c. 2 + 2 candidates: how do you rate the cooperation with the colleagues of the partner institute?* 6d. 2 + 2 candidates: is there sufficient discussion with the colleagues of the partner institute about the content of the research?* 6e. Room to elaborate on the questions 6a-d 7a. How do you rate the supervision of the 1 + 3 PhD candidates? Please fill in the number of PhD for the different scores. 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* n.a.* 7b. How do you rate the supervision of the 2 + 2 PhD candidates? Please fill in the number of PhD for the different scores. 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* n.a.* 7c. Room to elaborate on the questions 7a and 7b 7d. How do you rate the collaboration between the 1+3 project with its 2+2 sister project?* 7e. Room to elaborate on the question above 7f. In your opinion, is the 1 + 3 model suitable for fulfilling the demands of a doctorate degree at WUR * 7g. Room to elaborate on the question above 8a. Wageningen Graduate School has the intention to renew the AGD program (phase 2). Would you be available for supervising again?* 8b. Room to elaborate on the question above 8c. Do you have any (other) suggestions for a phase 2 of the AGD programme 9. Room for any other remarks Deel: Twitter Whatsapp Email Linkedin Overig Verantwoorde Veehouderij Over platform Nieuws Producten Contact Bemestingsadvies Bemest op z’n Best Kringloopwijzer Koeien en Kansen Melkveefonds Projecten ZuivelNL Projecten