
Accelerating Just Climate Transitions (KIN-ACT)

The KIN-ACT project is the first research project of the Dutch Climate Research Initiative. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our society. The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly visible, even in the Netherlands. This project aims to accelerate just climate transitions in various Dutch neighborhoods. At HSO, we will conduct action research into just climate transition practices at community level, focusing on urban greening in Nijmegen.

With the KIN-ACT project, we aim to provide a bottom-up perspective on participatory just climate transition approaches and processes in practice, drawing on learning at the neighbourhood level to accelerate just climate transitions. The key objectives of our work package are:
> To investigate, stimulate and implement participatory processes, that support just transitions at a neighborhood scale.
> To co-design dynamic and spatial pathways that accelerate just transitions in neighborhoods.
> To improve climate transition processes and management at the neighborhood scale and disseminate lessons learnt.