
Arjen Wals has been formally appointed to a National Advisory Board for Strengthening Technology in Education

Gepubliceerd op
30 september 2024

Arjen Wals has been formally appointed to a National Advisory Board for Strengthening Technology in Education redesigning (vocational) education in The Netherlands to accommodate three emerging societal themes that need to gain prominence in curricula and school-community/region interactions: 1. sustainability and climate urgency, 2. inclusion of women and young people with a migration background in technology education, and 3. finding and developing school staff with affinity and expertise in technology education.

Arjen will mainly advise on the first theme. There are over 70 regions in the Netherlands for Technology-Oriented education. Each of these regions will receive funds to develop these themes, provided they come up with a solid plan. The committee will provide advise on improving these plans. This is quiet a large national program with a total budget of 400 million Euros for the next four years.